As part of identifying my previous learning, I was asked to fill in a spreadsheet with items/experiences from my CV, along with what I did, what I learned. Then I was asked to label each ‘what I learned’ with a learning area in order to look for gaps in my professional learning profile. We were given an example table, and a diagram with learning areas on it.
It was really hard. I did not expect it to be so difficult.
First obstacle: spreadsheets
Personally, I find reading spreadsheets very difficult. It is if all the lines turn into the same one and I can’t sort one column or row from the next column or row. The columns in this case were actually alright because they were colour coded. But trying to fit things into a spreadsheet after thinking on them over and over meant much shuffling things around and adding new rows and that took up much of my concentration.
Second obstacle: identifying what I learned, rather than what I “did for the first time”
An example goes something like this: “I learned to use Camtasia. No, I learned to play with software. No, actually I learned I can play with software without breaking it. I learned to fiddle with confidence.” Ahem…
Third obstacle: facing the truth
The truth is, that with all my personal potential, all my gifts and abilities, I cannot organise myself out of a paper bag. My work processes, information management, and productivity are all disorderly (at best). If I am to really address these issues, it is going to feel like rolling in croutons for crumbs in my bed. My partner used that expression when I showed him my learning objectives, and it was absolutely actually the right expression to articulate my discomfort.
Now that I am through it, it seems like it wasn't so bad, really…
The biggest thing I noticed while doing this, is just how little of my personal learning has actually been from my ‘work history’ or professional accomplishments, and exactly how much has come out of just being-Tegan-in-the-world.
My point of professional difference comes from my life experience, not from what I have done or learned in my ‘career’. Also, very little of my knowledge comes from what I learned in Library School. Most of my knowledge comes from what I have sought out for myself, or have been generally puzzled by.
As it turns out, flunking high school, unplanned pregnancy and my colourful mental health record may be what sets me apart from the average librarian. Maybe.