Thursday, 6 December 2012

Doom and Gloom

The unthinkable has happened. My employment contract has not been renewed, and I have failed to get one of three permanent positions offered.

So, what do I do now? I have come up with a handy list. :)

  1. Make sure that all my work projects are either completed or tidied up and carefully handed over to someone competent. I want people to remember me for how well I did things, not for all the jobs I left unfinished in the ether.
  2. Keep a copy of all those bouquets I receive from happy colleagues and clients. I may need these later for answering a selection criterion with evidence.
  3. Thank all the beautiful, brilliant and wonderful people I have worked with and spend some time letting them know how much I appreciate them.
  4. Contact the all most experienced people I know for advice and other useful "know-how".
  5. Look for any position for which I satisfy all the essential selection criteria and apply for it.
  6. Repeat steps 4. & 5. until a satisfactory state of employment is reached
  7. Don't stuff it up, Teg!

There are a lot of people in a similar situation right now. Good luck to all of you in finding something that challenges you and enriches your life, where you are valued and your unique skill set is appreciated.
